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http://www.100md.com 2011年11月15日 林苏琼 俞乐 张峰 林勇


     【摘要】 目的 观测旋转手法对脑动脉粥样硬化患者血流动力学及粥样斑块的影响,为颈椎旋转手法的安全使用提供依据。方法 选择32例均经彩色多普勒诊断仪证实为脑动脉粥样硬化的中老年患者,观察颈椎旋转手法对其血流动力学指标及粥样斑块大小的影响。结果 旋转手法作用下,脑动脉的最大流速Vmax明显增大,血流阻力指标PI和RI明显减小(P<0.05)。手法前后粥样斑块的大小分别为2.1 mm×1.2 mm和2.2 mm×1.3 mm(P>0.05).结论 颈椎旋转手法能显著地影响中老年脑动脉的血流动力学状况,但不会引起动脉粥样斑块的脱落。

    【关键词】 旋转手法;颈椎;椎动脉

    The effect of rotational manipulation on hemodynamic and atherosclerotic plaque in patients with atherosclerosis LIN Su,qiong,YU Le,ZHANG Feng,et al.The Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Hospital of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510120, China

    【Abstract】 Objective To observe effect of cervical rotational manipulation on hemodynamic and plaque in patients with atherosclerosis, and to provide the evidence for its safe use. Methods 32 middle,aged and aged patients with arteriosclerosis in this research were underwent color Doppler ultrasound diagnostic instrument diagnosis. The following hemodynamic indexes: Vmax, PI and RI were measured.Results The artery Tamax significantly increased after rotational manipulation. PI and RI significantly reduced (P<0.05). No significant change in plaque size before and after manipulation (2.1 mm×1.2 mm and 2.2 mm×0.3 mm respectively)(P>0.05).Conclusion The cerebral artery hemodynamic conditions can be significantly affected by cervical rotational manipulation, however, which does not cause the shedding of atherosclerotic plaque.

    【Key words】 Rotational manipulation; Cervical spine;Vertebral artery



    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料 共纳入2009年8月至2011年6月在我院检查的动脉硬化患者32例,其中男20例,女12例。年龄48~70岁,平均(50.46±6.2)岁,进行模拟颈椎手法治疗。排除:① 明显神经损害症状者。② 颈椎明显骨赘形成或不稳及后纵韧带骨化等。③MRI显示颈髓受压者。④神经官能症与颅内肿瘤等疾病。

    1.2 研究方法

    1.2.1 彩色多普勒超声检查 检测GE VIVID7 PRO彩超显像仪,探头频率10 MHz。患者取仰卧位,枕项部垫枕,充分暴露颈部。检查一侧动脉时头转向对侧约45°,前屈15°。探头置于颈两侧, 从颈总动脉起始处开始, 至颈内动脉远段入颅内显示不清为止, 分别纵切和横切, 尤其颈内动脉起始处多个切面重点扫查, 观测血管斑块情况。观测颈总动脉(commoncarotid artery, CCA)、颅内段颈内动脉(intracranial internal carotid artery, ICA)、颅外段颈内动脉(extracranial internal carotid artery, ECA)、椎动脉(vertebralartery, VA)的血管内径、血流参数收缩期峰值血流速度(Vmax)、反映血管舒缩和阻力状况的阻力指数(RI)、反映血管顺应性和血管弹性的搏动指数(PI) ......
