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http://www.100md.com 2011年12月25日 孙建奎 卢宏 吴贵锋


     【摘要】 目的 了解复发型吉兰巴雷综合征(GuillainBarre Syndrome,GBS)的临床特征,增加对该罕见GBS变异类型的认识。方法 对郑州大学第一附属医院于1998~2004年收住的395例GBS患者中14例复发型的临床特征进行分析,并与非复发型的临床特征进行比较。结果 复发率低,为3.5%,男性多于女性,病前多有感染史,首发症状、达峰时间、辅助检查(如肌电图、脑脊液、免疫球蛋白等)、治疗及预后均与非复发型类似,但达峰症状较非复发型重,呼吸肌麻痹比例较非复发型高。结论 复发型GBS是GBS的罕见变异型,临床特征与GBS相似,但程度较重。



    The analysis of clinical features of 14 cases of Recurrent GuillainBarre Syndrome

    SUN JianKui, LU Hong, WU GuiFeng. Department of Neurology,Henan Anyang District Hospital, Henan Anyang 455000,China


    【Abstract】 Objective

    To explore the clinical features of Recurrent GuillainBarre Syndrome (RGBS)and enhance the knowledge of the uncommon variant of GuillainBarre Syndrome(GBS).Methods 395 cases of patients with GBS who were admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from 1998 to 2004 were enrolled, in which 14 cases of recurrent type were found. Their clinical features was analyzed and compared with cases of no recurrent type. Results The recurrent rate was 3.5%.Male outnumbers female. There was always infections before the onset. The onset symptom,peak time,assistant examination(EMG,ESF,Immunoglobulin),treatment and prognosis is similar to no recurrent type. But the peak symptom of RGBS was severer than NRGBS. The rate of respiratory muscular paralysis of RGBS was higher than NRGBS. Conclusion RGBS is an uncommon type of GBS. The clinical features of it is similar to GBS. But the severity is worse than GBS.

    【Key words】

    Recurrent GuillainBarre Syndrome (RGBS);Clinical features

    吉兰巴雷综合征(GuillainBarre Syndrome, GBS)是临床上常见的周围神经病,多呈单向病程,恢复中症状可有短暂波动,极少复发。现将郑州大学第一附属医院于1998年~2004年收住的395例GBS患者中14例复发者的临床特征总结、分析如下。

    1 材料与方法

    1.1 患者来源 郑州大学第一附属医院于1998年~2004年收住的395例GBS患者。

    1.2 复发GBS标准 ① 2次或2次以上发作。②符合美国国立神经系统疾病和卒中研究所(NINCDS)GBS诊断标准[1]。③间隔时间:a完全恢复时:2个月。b不完全恢复时:4个月。④排除因治疗导致的症状波动,排除急性起病的慢性GBS。

    1.3 临床特征

    1.3.1 流行病学 复发型14例,复发率为14例/395=3.5%,男12例,女2例,男∶女=12∶2。2次发病者12例,3次发病者2例。首次发病年龄1~61岁,平均(27±21)岁,其中9例(64%)患者初发年龄<30岁。发病时间间隔6个月至25年,平均12年。

    1.3.2 前驱感染 前驱感染史者10例(71%),其中上感者7例,腹泻者3例。

    1.3.3 首发症状 四肢末梢麻木、无力2例,下肢无力麻木3例,上肢无力麻木2例,四肢麻木无力6例,下肢麻木无力伴疼痛者1例 ......
