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http://www.100md.com 2016年3月15日 《中国当代医药》 2016年第8期
     [摘要] 目的 探讨滑行式手法行会阴侧切术的效果。 方法 分析我院2014年1~12月妇产科收治的300例产妇的临床资料,依据分娩方式不同进行分组,传统会阴侧切术组150例和滑行式手法行会阴侧切术组150例。观察两组产妇切端顶端整齐、侧切顶端延裂、会阴缝合时间、产妇愈合率、切口疼痛分级情况。 结果 滑行式手法行会阴侧切术组切端顶端整齐率为93.3%,高于传统会阴侧切术组的84.0%;侧切顶端延裂率为4.7%,低于传统会阴侧切术组的14.7%;会阴缝合时间为(11.2±2.6)min,短于传统会阴侧切术组的(13.3±3.0)min(P<0.05)。滑行式手法行会阴侧切术组产妇甲级愈合率为96.0%,高于传统会阴侧切术组的86.7%;乙级愈合率为3.3%、丙级愈合率为0.7%,均低于传统会阴侧切术组的9.3%、4.0%,滑行式手法行会阴侧切术组切口疼痛0级率为46.7%,高于传统会阴侧切术组的24.0%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 滑行式手法行会阴侧切术可缩短缝合时间,提高愈合效率,值得临床推广应用。

    [关键词] 滑行式手法;会阴侧切术;效果

    [中图分类号] R714.3 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2016)03(b)-0075-03

    [Abstract] Objective To explore the effect of lateral episiotomy by sliding mode. Methods 300 clinical data on puerperae admitted into our department from January to December 2014 were analyzed.According to different delivery modes,they were evenly divided into traditional lateral episiotomy and lateral episiotomy by sliding mode.The tidiness of the top of incisal margin,delayed crack of the top in lateral episiotomy,perineum suturing time,puerperal healing rate,and grading of incision pain were observed between the two groups. Results The rate of tidiness of the top of incisal margin in the lateral episiotomy by sliding group was 93.3%,higher than that in the traditional lateral episiotomy accounting for 84.0%.The rate of delayed crack of the top in lateral episiotomy was 4.7%,lower than that in the traditional lateral episiotomy accounting for 14.7%.The perineum suturing time was(11.2±2.6) min,shorter than that in the traditional lateral episiotomy accounting for (13.3±3.0) min.In the lateral episiotomy by sliding group,the puerperal healing rate in A level was 96.0%,higher than that in the traditional lateral episiotomy group accounting for 86.7%.The healing rate in B and C levels in the lateral episiotomy by sliding group was respectively 3.3% and 0.7%, both lower than that in the traditional lateral episiotomy group respectively 9.3% and 4%.The incision pain in 0 grade in the lateral episiotomy by sliding group was 46.7%,higher than that in the traditional lateral episiotomy group accounting for 24%,with statistical differences(P<0.05). Conclusion Lateral episiotomy by sliding mode can shorten suturing time and improve healing rate,which is worthy of promotion and application in clinic.

    [Key words] Sliding mode;Lateral episiotomy;Effect

    随着社会的不断进步、医学水平的不断提高、围生医学的飞速发展,人们对于优生优育的意识也随之提高。为提高人口素质,初产妇会阴侧切比例明显增高,其伴随的并发症也明显增高。目前传统的会阴侧切易出现会阴侧切边缘不整齐、顶端皮肤及黏膜切口内外不整齐,侧切口顶端可能在产妇分娩时出现延裂。在国内滑行式手法行会阴侧切术的研究鲜有报道,广东省未见滑行式手法行会阴侧切术效果的专题探讨[1-2]。本研究分析我院300例产妇的临床资料,旨在探讨滑行式手法行会阴侧切术的效果。, http://www.100md.com(成素芳)
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